viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

Unit 6: The biosphere. Science 5º

Unit 6: The biosphere
1.- Who´s eating who?.
2.- The loss of biodiversity.

1.- Who´s eating who?

- There are two phenomenas which happens in the ecosystems: food chain and food web.

1.1 Food chain

- A food chain is made up of the following levels: producers, consumers and decomposers.

·        Producers.- They make their own food through the photosynthesis. Examples: algae and plants.

·        Consumers.- They eat other living things. They can be: primary consumers, secondary consumers and tertiary consumers.

-         Primary consumers.- They eat producers. They are herbivores and omnivores. Examples: insects.
-         Secundary consumers.- They eat primary consumers. They are carnivores and omnivores. Example: foxes.
-         Tertiary consumers.-They eat secondary consumers. They are carnivores and omnivores. Examples: snakes.

·        Decomposers: They live on the remains of other living things. Most of them are fungi and bacteria.

1.2 Food web

- Most living things are part of more than one food chain.
- There are more than one food chain in the same ecosystem and they interact each other.

2.- The loss of biodiversity
                                      - Biodiversity loss: causes and effects.
                                      - Protecting biodiversity.

- There is a loss of biodiversity when every single member of a specie disappear. It is called extinction.

2.1.- Biodiversity loss: causes and effects.

·        Causes.- The most important one is the behavior of human beings through pollution, hunting and capturing animals.
·        Effects.- The climate change and the alteration of habitats.

2.2.- Protecting biodiversity

- There are endangered species.
- Endangered species are those which are in danger of extinction.
- There are wildlife protection groups who protect endangered animals.
- There are places to protect them such as National Parks ( Monfrague o Doñana) and biosphere reserves.
- Examples of endangered animals are: Iberian Lyns and Iberian imperial eagle.

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