lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2020



Unit 3: Health and illnesses

        3.1 Diseases and illnesses.

        3.2. Healthy habits.

        3.3 Advances in medicine.


3.1 Diseases and illnesses.

·      Infectious diseases


-        Pathogens are organisms which produce illnesses and diseases. The most important ones are bacteria and viruses.

-        The illnesses produced by bacteria are: tetanus, salmonellosis, conjutivitis, pneumonia.

-        The illnesses produced by viruses are: measles   (sarampión), chickenpox (varicela) and the flu.

-        The symptoms of an infection are fever and inflammation.

-        Infectious diseases are treated with antibiotics and antivirals.


·      Non infectious diseases

- Non infectious diseases are produced by factors such us: environment, unhealthy lifestyle, genetics, vitamins deficiency and organ malfunction.

- The most important non infectious diseases are: allergies, cancer, heart diseases, diabetes and mental diseases.


3.2. Healthy habits.

- Eat healthy.

- Do exercise.

- Sleep enough.

- Keep clean.

- Prevention.

- Don´t waste time playing videogames. Game over.

- Say no to harmful(dañinas) substances such as drugs or alcohol.


3.3 Advances in medicine

-        Medicine has advanced because of the following reasons: prevention, diagnosis, treatment, new techniques in surgery and other advances in medicine.

-        Prevention is produced by vaccination and antibodies.

-        Diagnosis is the act of identifying an illness based on symptoms and tests.

-        Treatment can be done with antibiotics and penicillin. Alexander Fleming discovered the penicillin.

-        New techniques in surgery are anaesthesia, microsurgery and keyhole surgery.

-        Other advances in medicine are blood transfusion, insulin, organ trasplant and human genome.




        3.1 Classifying living things.

        3.2 Vital functions

        3.3 Plants subgroups.

        3.4 Adaption


3.1 Classifying living things.

- We classify living things in different groups: animals (dog), plants(tree), fungi (mushroom) and other organism  (algae and bacteria).


Ø     Activities


1.- Write the four groups of living things.


2.- Classify the following living things: dog, tree, mushroom, bacteria.




Other living things






3.2 Vital functions

- Living things have three vital functions: nutrition, reproduction and interaction.


Ø     Activities


1.- Which are the three vital function?


2.- Match with the proper sentence: nutrition, interaction and reproduction.


Living things need food for energy.



Living things need interact.



Living things make new living things.




3.3 Plants subgroups.

- Plants are classified in three groups:

·       Grasses.- They have thin, flexible and short stem. Example: Wheat.

·       Bushes.- They have woody stem and branches. Example: Blackberry Bush.

·       Trees.- They have a trunk. They can be:

- Deciduous trees.- Hoja caduca.

- Evergreen trees.- Hoja peremne.




Ø     Activities

1.- Which  are the three subgroup of plants?


2.- Draw

1. Grasses

2. Bushes

3. Trees




3.- Match with the example. Wheat,   Blackberry Bush,    Pine











4.- Write the two types of trees.


3.4 Adaption

- Living things change.

- Living thing adapt to the environment to survive.


Ø     Activities


1-  True or false

-        Non living things can reproduce……………..

-        Living things adapt to the environment………….


2. Draw

Living thing






Non living thing