martes, 17 de marzo de 2020


1. 1-c.  2-d.  3-e.  4-b.  5-a.
2 . A pure substance   B heterogenous    C homogeneous mixture.
3. A the space that an object occupies.    B the amount of matter in a volumen.     C. the amount of matter in an object       D a type of change that cannot be undone.  E  a type of change that can be undone.   
4.  a, b, d.
5. A mineral   B hydrated   C 70 per cent   D has   E agricultura.
6. 1- regulates.  2- is present.  3- abundant. 4- dehydrate.  5.- antiseptic.
7. A filtration  B. decantation C magnetic separation.
8. A evaporation   B  magnetic separation  C  decantation  D filtration/evaporation
9 A filtration    B magnetic separation    C evaporation   D filtration  E  destilation  F magnetic separation.
10. A-F.  B-F.  C-F.  D-T.  E-T.  F-F.
11. Free answer.
13. 1- Is sugar really good for us?
      2.- What is sugar?
      3.- Where is sugar found?
      4.- What are the dangers of sugar?
14. A-F  B-T.  C-T.  D-F.  E-F.
15. Free answer.

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