lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2020



Unit 3: Health and illnesses

        3.1 Diseases and illnesses.

        3.2. Healthy habits.

        3.3 Advances in medicine.


3.1 Diseases and illnesses.

·      Infectious diseases


-        Pathogens are organisms which produce illnesses and diseases. The most important ones are bacteria and viruses.

-        The illnesses produced by bacteria are: tetanus, salmonellosis, conjutivitis, pneumonia.

-        The illnesses produced by viruses are: measles   (sarampión), chickenpox (varicela) and the flu.

-        The symptoms of an infection are fever and inflammation.

-        Infectious diseases are treated with antibiotics and antivirals.


·      Non infectious diseases

- Non infectious diseases are produced by factors such us: environment, unhealthy lifestyle, genetics, vitamins deficiency and organ malfunction.

- The most important non infectious diseases are: allergies, cancer, heart diseases, diabetes and mental diseases.


3.2. Healthy habits.

- Eat healthy.

- Do exercise.

- Sleep enough.

- Keep clean.

- Prevention.

- Don´t waste time playing videogames. Game over.

- Say no to harmful(dañinas) substances such as drugs or alcohol.


3.3 Advances in medicine

-        Medicine has advanced because of the following reasons: prevention, diagnosis, treatment, new techniques in surgery and other advances in medicine.

-        Prevention is produced by vaccination and antibodies.

-        Diagnosis is the act of identifying an illness based on symptoms and tests.

-        Treatment can be done with antibiotics and penicillin. Alexander Fleming discovered the penicillin.

-        New techniques in surgery are anaesthesia, microsurgery and keyhole surgery.

-        Other advances in medicine are blood transfusion, insulin, organ trasplant and human genome.




        3.1 Classifying living things.

        3.2 Vital functions

        3.3 Plants subgroups.

        3.4 Adaption


3.1 Classifying living things.

- We classify living things in different groups: animals (dog), plants(tree), fungi (mushroom) and other organism  (algae and bacteria).


Ø     Activities


1.- Write the four groups of living things.


2.- Classify the following living things: dog, tree, mushroom, bacteria.




Other living things






3.2 Vital functions

- Living things have three vital functions: nutrition, reproduction and interaction.


Ø     Activities


1.- Which are the three vital function?


2.- Match with the proper sentence: nutrition, interaction and reproduction.


Living things need food for energy.



Living things need interact.



Living things make new living things.




3.3 Plants subgroups.

- Plants are classified in three groups:

·       Grasses.- They have thin, flexible and short stem. Example: Wheat.

·       Bushes.- They have woody stem and branches. Example: Blackberry Bush.

·       Trees.- They have a trunk. They can be:

- Deciduous trees.- Hoja caduca.

- Evergreen trees.- Hoja peremne.




Ø     Activities

1.- Which  are the three subgroup of plants?


2.- Draw

1. Grasses

2. Bushes

3. Trees




3.- Match with the example. Wheat,   Blackberry Bush,    Pine











4.- Write the two types of trees.


3.4 Adaption

- Living things change.

- Living thing adapt to the environment to survive.


Ø     Activities


1-  True or false

-        Non living things can reproduce……………..

-        Living things adapt to the environment………….


2. Draw

Living thing






Non living thing



jueves, 15 de octubre de 2020

NATURAL SCIENCE 3º : UNIT 2: Look after yourself



1.1  Healthy diet

1.2  Healthy habits

1.3  Health problems

1.4  The stages of life

1.5  Feelings and emotions


1.1.      Healthy diet

A healthy diet is a balanced diet where we eat properly. There are 5 groups of food.

-        Carbohydrates and fibre.

-        Proteins and iron.

-        Fruit and vegetables.

-        Dairy products

-        Fats.


v Read the sentences and match.

a. This helps our digestive system work correctly.


b. We need them to grow.


c. We need them to stay healthy.


vitamins and minerals

d. They give us energy.

carbohydrates and fats






v Label. Student book page 24



v Find the odd picture





Ø Meals:  There are three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner and two healthy snacks: one in the morning and one in the afternoon ( fruit, yogourt).


v This is a healthy breakfast.



Orange juice




Ø Our body is 75% water.

1.2.      Healthy habits

Healthy habits help us to keep fit and healthy. They could be:

-        Wash your hands.

-        Brush your teeth.

-        Do exercise.

-        Enjoy free time.

-        Rest.

-        Have a bath o shower. 

1.3.      Health problems

If you don´t take care of yourself, you can have health problems such as:

-        Colds and flu.

-        Stomach upsets

-        Tiredness

-        Respiratory problems.

-        Tooth decay

-        Obesity

1.4.      The stages of life

Human beings grow up. There are 5 stages of life:

-        Babies.

-        Children

-        Adolescents

-        Adults

-        Elderly people


1.5.      Feelings and emotions

We can feel many feelings and emotions in one day. 

It is important to Know how to recognise them. Some emotions are:

-        Lonely

-        Confident.

-        Proud

-        Worried

-        Annoyed