jueves, 20 de mayo de 2021



Unit 9: Technology


      9.1 Many machines in one.

      9.2 Technology influences our lives


9.1 Many machines in one.

- There are two types of machines: simple machines and complex machines.

- Avanced machines such as cars are made up of simple and complex machines.


Ø     Simple machine in cars.

·     They have a mechanical function.

·    Some examples are: Wheel and axle, screw, pulley and level and fulcrum.


·    Wheel and axle.-

-      It is used to move things easy.

-      We can find the steering Wheel in a car.

·    Screw:

-      It goes around a cylinder or a cone.

-      We can use screws to hold things.

-      A car has many of them.

·    Pulley

-      It has a Wheel and axle and a rope.

-      It is used for lifting objects.

-      A car´s brakes work using pulleys.

·    Lever and fulcrum

-      It consits of a level with a support called fulcrum.

-      It is used for lifting an object.

-      A good example is the gearstick in a car.


Ø     Complex machines in cars.


-      Complex machines are made up of two or more simple machines.

-       Some of them have engine or motor.


Ø     Gears

-      Gears are wheels with teeth that fit together.

-      A good example is the chain of a bike.

-      Gears in a car are in the engine.


Ø     Engine and motors

-      A engine or motor is the part of the machine which produces movement.

-      An engine needs fuel to work.

-      A motor needs electricity.


Activity. Answer the following questions:


1.- Definition of simple machine.

2.- Definition of complex machines.

3.-List the simple machines you can find in a car and explain one of them.

4.- Which is a gear?.

5.- What is the difference between an engine or a motor?


8.2 Technology influences in our lives.

- Technology help us at work, at home and in our free time.

- There are a lot of inventions which make us our live easier.

Ø     Phone

-      Phones are small computers.

-      You can send messages, find information on internet, listen to music and so on.


Ø     Machines at home

-      Some examples are: dishwashers, microwave, refigerators and so on.

-      There are energy-saving light bulbs are very efficient.


Ø     Industrial changes

-      Companies are using enviromentally friendly new machines.

-      Government créate laws to control industries.


Ø     Education

-      We can find in our classrooms digital boards, tablets and e-books.


Ø     Transport

-      Thanks to the technology our methods of transports are more fasters and secure.

-      Some of them are environmentally friendly using eco-fuel, bio-diesel or solar energy.


Ø     Free time

-      You can watch a movie on TV or at the cinema in three dimensions and special effects.

-      Most mobile phones allow us to make photos or a video.


Ø     Health

-      Examples of technology in a hospital are X-ray, CT scans which help us to detect diseases.

-      There are devices to measure the level of sugar in blood and blood pressure.




Ø     Activity. Answer the following questions:


1.- List the places where the technology has changed our lives.

2.- Explain the industrial changes.

3.- Explain the health changes.

4.- Explain the free time changes.

5.- Explain the transport changes.

6.- Explain the education changes.



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